Tuesday, June 28

Thank You.....

Hail to the bus driver.....

I was waiting on the bus the other day, it came within one minute of me standing there. Good....Except the people standing at the stop in front of me, didn't get on... Even though I was sure they would... The doors closed and the bus pulled away. I ran after it and banged the door, but either the driver didn't hear me or he was just in a hurry (he wasn't having a good day, I could tell).

So I walked back to the bus stop, decided not to curse the people who had been standing between me and the bus, ate my sandwich and drank my tin of coke (I had been keen to get to my destination, but decided to try relaxing... It worked).

I would hate to be a bus driver in Belfast, having to put up with congested roads and drivers who think indicators are some form of Christmas decoration (only to be used in the last three weeks of December and then put away so as to avoid bad luck in the coming f**kin' year [I'll save this rant for another day]).

Anyway.... err.... oh yeah... well basically bus drivers are not paid enough, I have no idea how much they get, but it is not enough.

No amount of money would compensate me for putting up with the shite they endure (I know few places more aggressive than Belfast roads).

So the next time you get on a bus (if you chose to chance the magical and enigmatic phenomenon that is the bus schedule), please try and remember....

Even if you are pissed off 'cause you have been waiting 30 mins on five busses that have all come at once, the driver, the person who makes the wheels on the bus go (round and round, all day long) has feelings too and is probably under more stress than you can imagine, so give them a break, maybe even a smile (a hug would be too much, but I suppose you could try but, nah!), even if they seem rude.

If it makes no difference, and they are not affected, you can go the rest of your journey knowing you at least tried.

But what the fuck do I know anyway………. I’m not a bus driver, I don’t even have a car.

X o x o Have a nice day



Blogger Durutti said...



Friday, July 08, 2005 3:22:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"Anyway.... err.... oh yeah... well basically bus drivers are not paid enough, I have no idea how much they get, but it is not enough."


Bus-drivers get paid (with overtime) just under 20k a year. Not bad for a bunch of half-bright ex-bricklayers with all the interpersonal skills of oven-cleaner...

Monday, July 25, 2005 7:45:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

moononastick, you are either very stupid, very ignorant or very funny... but well done for breathing...

Sunday, July 31, 2005 10:14:00 am  
Blogger slurr van dark said...

What crime was commited on your person at the hands of a bus driver?

And are you also offended by ex-bricklayers, hmmm!

Did a bus run over your foot?

Did a poorly built wall fall on you?

Answers on a postcard to, Ranty mc winge,13 stressvile, Northern Nosuchplace-ier.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 1:13:00 pm  
Blogger Durutti said...

Seeing as they continually drive past on empty buses, while failing to stop, try and kill you with a brake/accelerate/brake routine as you tackle the stairs and refuse to let you on without THE CORRECT CHANGE, they can all go to hell. I know a few personally too, as do you, and you know what sort of people they are!
I spent many a happy hour freezing my knackers off in Jordanstown as the last bus stopped two miles away, waited a while and then drove off saying there was no one waiting. That's bus drivers.
As far Brickies... well some of my best freinds are brickies.. which is why I hate them.

Tuesday, August 16, 2005 5:20:00 pm  

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