Monday, June 12

The Elliots, MUsic Belfast

Belfast Music can lead the way...

I went to See some bands In the Crescent Arts Centre on June, 3rd 2006.
I was shocked at how good this band were...
They have the potential to go very far indeed.

The reason I believe this is due to the fact that they are a class act.
The Elliots are as tight as any band I have ever seen, have a great chemistry, beuatiful vocal harmonies and sound instrumentaly inspirational.

I am still buzzin'.

Here Are some Pics of the Belfast Based band (I think they are Belfast Based, they are From N. Ireland anyway).

The Photo's were taken at the Crescent Arts Centre on June, 3rd 2006.

Was dissapointed with the bluryness of this one but wanted to put it up as I didn't have another one of Ronnie (guitar player featured).

Although I tried very hard to get a snap of the drummer, It just wouldn't happen for me. This was due to a lack of light and a poor quality camera phone (still is better than nothing).

You can find a pic of the drummer at .

You can also find out more about the band.


Blogger slurr van dark said...

It's half a dozen of one and six of the other.
The police on the whole seem better than ever (at what, I don't know, But.. whatever it is, they are better at it).

Wednesday, June 14, 2006 1:30:00 pm  

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