Monday, March 20

What Do You Think????

If you put George "dubulya" Bush in a room with a "where's wally" puzzle, I bet that by the time he finished it (And that's a big "if" with a question mark firmly attached to it) America would have caught Osama Bin Laden, left Iraq and invaded the moon and won the Football World Cup.

Not that I'm saying he is in anyway; witless, tactless, feckless, moronic or unfit to lead a dog through a hoop (let alone the worlds most influential country). In fact I would never say that about the Idiot. He is a great man, he has many good points (but i can't think of one).

He has a hard job, to expect him to get anything right is just asking for far too much.
No one is perfect. He tries his best (at golf, i think) but the media give him such a hard time just because when he speaks he seems to have no attachment with reality and comes across as not giving a flying fuck as long as he's alright.

Anyway, Maybe it was GW's immensely brilliant military strategies that have made America the most popular nation in the world ever, brought peace to the middle east and got rid of pollution and world hunger.

So before you go knocking Lord George Bush the W, think about all he's done to make the world a much better and safer place.

He is the American dream.
He got were he is today without having the breaks many former presidents.
He never had the luxury of growing up with a fully functional brain, but that didn't stop him. Against all odds, he managed to appeal to people using his enigmatic and almost mystical charm.
Dazed by this hundreds flocked to polling stations to elect him and quite luckily for him it worked. Votes seemed to stream his way from every source in an almost magical fashion.
I would not be surprised if he got votes from beyond the grave, if the dead will rise to vote for you, well, you must be special.

So all I can say is Hail the mighty Emperor Bush, he has been chosen, and there's nothing anyone can do about it now.


Blogger slurr van dark said...

Thanx, corrected that. It should be ok now.

Tuesday, March 21, 2006 3:39:00 pm  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

that's a rad little joke thing in the beginning!! me and my friend thought it was funny!

Wednesday, March 22, 2006 5:05:00 pm  

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