Monday, January 24

Spot the difference...

It's not exactly new to compare the two I am sure, but.... fuck it! It works for me...

They both tap into the earths natural resources to exist, in return, one gives back it's natural beauty and provides the animals of the planet with air to breath....Ok.

The other is ;
-easy to fool
-unable to grasp the simplest concepts known to both man and beast alike
-Not on my Christmas card list
-the spawn of Satan

See if you can tell which one is which.........All comments welcome!

*The above comments are purely fictional, any resemblances to fact are totally accidental.
We here on the angry island would like to apologize personally in advance for any offence taken at the existence of one of the above subjects (subjects meaning people or objects, not the content). Thankyouplease.....

The following information was deleted accidentally from the comment section so I have resubmitted it by editing the post.

The Exile said...

Ya ever think of cleaning up the mess on your own island before attacking us, Paddy?
What do YOU know? The European press is just a bit less biased than Al-jazeera. In other words, you know shit. You know half of the truth.
The sad thing is, you have the whole internet in front of you, and you choose to be half-informed.
As I believe they say in your part of the world, piss off. We'll get by just fine without you. I can live without Guiness.
Craig Stanley
Coon Rapids, MN USA

Tuesday, January 25, 2005

.IN RESPOSE SLUR VAN DARK SAYS - thank you very much for your comment, you have made my day.

Firstly, I might well live in Ireland....But I am actually English so "COMPUTER SAYS NO, NO, NOOOO !"

- The European press is made up of many different views (Europe contains over 40 countries) so it's probably not a good idea to generalize too much.

- I am sure you can live without Guinness but it's not there fault I have these views, so please don't take it out on the black stuff.

- As we say in our part of the world " DRY YOUR EYES MATE ".

ps. Take care and good luck to you x o x


Blogger The Exile said...

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Tuesday, January 25, 2005 3:26:00 am  
Blogger Durutti said...

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Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:47:00 pm  
Blogger Durutti said...

I expect you fly your flag upside down and as your blog blames liberals for everything I expect your a member of the NRA.

We dont care.

We have to deal with your inward looking isolationist miseducation, not you.
You have the nerve to call the european media biased, all I have to say is FREEDOM FRIES.

Oh and lay of the bigotry, Yank, OK.

Our island's problems are being dealt with, and surprisingly its the anti-liberals that cause them.
You dont even realise what your problem is.

Wednesday, January 26, 2005 7:49:00 pm  
Blogger Lara said...

And by saying you wanted to apologize for any offense taken by this post, I have to assume you mean you're apologizing to anyone offended by the forsest/earch. Because really, you shouldn't be offended by the truth. And (and this is coming from someone who lives in the U.S. - and in an extremely conservative state for that matter) pretty much everything you said is true. I can't say for sure without a DNA test whether said subject truly IS the spawn of Satan, but all of the evidence is there.

Check out - a website run by a group of people (friends of mine) with similar thoughts.


Wednesday, January 26, 2005 8:04:00 pm  

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