Mary, Mother of God!!!
Mary McAleese
everyone's yammering on about this so I'm going to add my tuppence worth:
The Voice of Mary
"...They [Nazi's] gave their to children an irrational hatred of Jews, in the same way that people in Northern Ireland transmitted to their children an irrational and outrageous hatred FOR EXAMPLE of Catholics, in the same way that people give to their children an outrageous, irrational hatred of those who are a different colour..."
Its not that I disagree with what she said, I totally agree, I have seen it, from both sides. In defense she did say FOR EXAMPLE. The failure was not to add the reverse was true. If I was to give an example of intolerance, and said - Protestants breaking Catholics windows. Does I mean All protestants break Catholics windows? Or All Catholics are victims? Or only Catholics have windows? Credit the woman with some intelligence.
Northern Ireland politicians are seeking to be victimised, so there can be a wailing and gnashing of teeth; how their community is so put upon, how traditions are being ridden over roughshod by the other. Using as many buzz words that can be purloined; ethnic cleansing and ghettoisation, apartheid and Shoa. Indeftly linking themselves with the great catastrophes that have occurred. I'm sure most Jews would balk at the idea of comparing NI's occasional bigotry with the Final Solution.
I don't know whom they are pleading to? The British Government? No; they don't give a toss about the disparity in Riverdance funding compared to On Eagles Wing. The masses? No; each side fully agrees with its own and is glad the other got it up 'em. The International press? No; Who is Mary McAleese again? Did she kiss Brittany?
Its just playground point scoring, and the sound of their own voice on Talk Back. It supplies column inches in the Newsletter and fills up Radio Ulster's airtime, but accomplishes nothing.
They go back to their party headquarters and have a round of back slapping and 'did you hear what I said to him, he was ragin'.
The politicians of Northern Ireland, the smallest region, of a small country to the North of a small continent, can pick up a telephone and call Tony Blair, and George W and have them at their beck and call. Time for a reality check, you are living way way way beyond your means, and lets not mention ability...
BBC - BBC Northern Ireland - News & Current Affairs
Incidentally to the woman who was on Talk Back complaining about Mary McAleese using the word Fleadh during a Law Lecture in Queens, I must apologise, your ears must be in so much pain upon hearing that foreign language, of course you did not know what a Fleadh was so obviously you didn't know how not to stand as if you were at one and so failed your exams, Pan Nationalist front wins, hurrah.
Get a grip you bitter old bag. The number of times I have had to change Derry to Londonderry is to many to count, I'm not giving off, just yet, although...Perhaps I could get a community centre out of it.
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