Been Very Lazy
I got an email from someone today who I'd told about the blog, way before we got lazy and stopped doing anything. Hey Eastenders is getting good and there's a lezzer in Neighbours ...
Anyway what's happened since my last post, well we found out that the IRA may be involved in Criminal Activity, what's next, the Rotary Club pimping out underage boys? It just goes to show, you never can tell.
NTL have now upgraded my connection to 2Mb/s, I can now download every album ever produced by anyone ever in under 6.5 seconds, I'm trying to find the Leonard Nimoy song about Hobbits... And maybe some Beyonce.
I've been building up my collection of pretentious books from Oxfam, I bought love in the Time of Cholera. I'm never gonna read it, it will sit beside unread Tolstoy and Victor Hugo novels. Its better than Etchings....
I've given up on America, if I squint a little and look into the sun I can almost pretend its not there, Now to throw away my Levis and stop using Microsoft...
Through constant support and a hasty intervention I got my flatmate to quit stopping smoking, I WILL NOT BE THE ONLY SMOKER. I show my distaste for the non smoking world by taking big drags of cigarettes just before I enter a building and exhaling when inside, passive aggressive smoking.
I have also become an artist, while out with my mates I stuck a tampon in a bottle of beer and called it Molotov, a challenging piece celebrating the fight for parity of toilet facilities in bars. The bouncers weren't art lovers though, come to think of it neither was the woman who owned the tampon and the beer, philistines to a man.
That's enough work avoidance for now, I already spent three hours tweaking by broadband connection so I had better start.
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