Tuesday, July 25

Ineesfree music festival?

This weekend my Girlfriend and I took a trip away to Ineesfree island to a “music festival?” they had happening there.

I was the first time both of us had gone to a camping festival.

After a long journey we finally go to the quay where the boat departed from, there was at least 20 other people waiting to be picked up and taken across.

Of course that didn’t stop the que jumpers pushing us back a few boats and leaving us in the rain as they sought there own ends. (due to the fact that it took so long to get to the island I missed the one band I had gone to see, which was disappointing)

This was not the greatest of starts…

But once on the Island we felt great, there would have been 100 + people there, all for the festival.
We had the pleasure of chatting to at least 5 or 6 dead on people. Two lovely girls even helped me with my sand castle (I will never be too old to stop building them).

Tickets cost £22 each witch may have kept the crowd confined to the more
affluent kids with spare cash and cars…
After all, it would not do to have too many of the lesser know quantities floating about, would it?

Now to be honest, I half expected it to be a collection of sound people who where all there to have a good time and get along, as opposed to a bunch of spoiled antisocial rich kids… The latter was the case…

If anyone is thinking of going to a festival where other festival goers have no interest in interacting with anyone they had not previously known on arrival then this is the place for you. If not, well I wouldn’t recommend it…

I won’t be back unless I can bring a squad of dead on people with me, pre packed friends…
Even when I said hello to a guy at “his” camp fire he just stared at me and said nothing and stared at me…

I am sure I have learned something from this experience, not sure what it is yet though…

On the up side, the water was lovely and the few dead on people we spoke to were well sound and interesting.

When the rain died off the sun was pumping out the heat, I am now quite red facially and flies seem to have dined on my blood leaving parts of my head looking slightly mountainous not unlike the Donegal scenery we had to pass to get there.

All in all the journey was lovely and was a great experience to share with my girlfriend, especially the fish and chips we gobbled up on the way home,,,,, hmmmm crispy….
But there you go…..

Was a nice weekend all in all. The only thing that let us down was some of the people (I’m not even gonna start on the drivers who seemed to have a death wish on the journey to and from our destination).

Thanks for those few nice people on the island that made it all better… The world needs you more than you’ll ever know……


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